
My research is at the intersections of nineteenth-century American literature, and rhetorical, composition, and pedagogical theory. My interdisciplinary study of personhood has evolved into my dissertation, entitled, “‘Genre and Gender: A Rhetoric of Irony in Nineteenth-Century American Women’s Writing.” As a literary and rhetorical scholar, I use theories of genre as social action to understand why texts that were initial best sellers have since been marginalized or completely forgotten. I am interested to know what strategies a writer uses, why they use them, and what those strategies accomplish or fail to accomplish.  I look at the undertheorized rhetorical use of agential irony as an especially feminist social reform tool. Women’s irony, I claim, requires a reciprocal response from readers who are invited to share in the author’s activism.


Pacific Ancient and Modern Literature Association (PAMLA) Conference, 2021


PAMLA 2021 Presentation of Conference Theme Illustration.

PAMLA 2021 Conference Illustration by Nanette